Thetys Pumps SRL
Tel: +40 744 595 445
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1,
011273 Bucuresti, Romania

Because life is fluid.


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Control panel type ABS CP 116 and CP 216 – Thetys Pumps
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Control panel type ABS CP 116 and CP 216

Thetys Pumps / Products  / Control and monitoring equipment  / Pump control panels / Control panel type ABS CP 116 and CP 216

Control panel type ABS CP 116 and CP 216

Stay in control and save energy

The CP 116 and CP 216 compact control panels for one or two pumps directly connect to pumps up to 5.5 KW (12 A). The optional GSM/GPRS modem allows communication with AquaWeb or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems using the Comli or Modbus protocols. Ex-versions are also available.

Main benefits
  • Standard solution from stock
  • Low installation costs through an easy set-up, that can be installed by a non-certified electrician
  • Extensive protection of pumps
    (Overheat, overload, phase order – wrong rotation direction, phase missing, leakage, dry run protection by cos-phi monitoring, space for earth leakage breaker)
  • Easy to use by non-experts with settings and readings in a 2×16 character display with multiple language support
  • Numerous control functions reduce the number of service visits and the energy consumption
  • Complete surveillance of pumps and station by transfer of alarms to central system. Measuring and recording of station and equipment performance
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