Thetys Pumps SRL
Tel: +40 744 595 445
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1,
011273 Bucuresti, Romania

Because life is fluid.


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Pump controller type ABS PC 441 – Thetys Pumps
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Pump controller type ABS PC 441

Thetys Pumps / Products  / Control and monitoring equipment  / Pump controllers / Pump controller type ABS PC 441

Pump controller type ABS PC 441

Intelligent functions with advanced features

The PC 441 is a monitor and controller for one to four pumps, designed mainly for use in municipal wastewater pumping stations. The PC 441 has many advanced features to minimize operating costs and increase the availability of the pumping station throughout its life cycle.

Main benefits
  • Operates as a standalone monitoring unit
  • Connects to a CA 511 graphical display to provide a full user interface for viewing and setting all parameters
  • Minimizes operating costs and increases pumping station availability
  • Connects to any Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or telemetry system supporting the Modbus or Comli communication protocols
Main applications
  • Monitoring and controlling municipal wastewater pumping stations
  • Viewing alarms, manually controlling pumps, and changing settings, either locally via the graphical user interface or using the AquaProg software
  • AquaProg software can be used for backing up the controller settings on the hard disk and also for downloading alarms, events and historical data
Advanced features

Users can operate the PC 441 as a standalone monitoring unit. Alternatively they can run the AquaProg configuration software on a PC connected directly to the local service port or remotely, such as via modem. Settings are password-protected at two levels in order to avoid unauthorized or accidental changes.

Five additional units can be connected for more advanced monitoring:

  • CA 441: Moisture monitoring unit for connecting four pumps with combined alarms or three separate alarms using one unit per pump
  • CA 442: Temperature monitoring unit for connecting four pumps with combined alarms or four separate alarms using one unit per pump and a separate mA input for a vibration sensor
  • CA 443: Electrical supply and consumption monitoring, as well as measuring device for a complete station and/or one per pump
  • CA 622: Communication unit for sending and receiving information to peripheral products via RS 485 Modbus interface
  • CA 781: Expansion unit for connecting an extended number of pumps


The PC 441 offers two possibilities for level sensing:

  • Connection of hydrostatic or other devices with 4 to 20 mA signal
  • Float switches
Main design features
  • Pump start/stop based on:
    Level set point, random start level, speed of level change, tariff control, alternative stop level, remote communication, pump stop after max. runtime setting, cyclic pump motion timer
  • Pump alternation: normal or asymmetrical
  • Pump run confirmation via motor current or contactor feedback
  • Emergency pump run timer on high float
  • Overflowcalculation and monitoring
  • Pulse frequency to analog, value conversion (energy/rain/flow inputs)
  • Alarm dial-up
  • GSM/SMS alarms
  • GPRS modem support
  • Modbus and Comli communication protocols
  • Analog data logger: 16 channels, 1–60 minutes/sample.
    Values measured: Level, motor current on P1/P4, inflow/outflow, pressure, motor, bearing
  • Temperature (Pt 100) on P1/P4, calculated energy/rain/flow
  • Digital Data logger: P1/P4 on/off, alarms on/off/acknowledged
  • Real Time (RT) clock for date and time, with 6 h internal backup
  • Inflow calculation
  • Outflow calculation
  • Pump capacity calculation and alarm
  • Personnel alarm
  • Auto pump reversal
  • Pump exercising (forced start)
  • Auto reset motor protector
Key characteristics
  • Advanced monitoring of one to four pumps
  • Advanced control of one to four pumps
  • Communication via GPRS, GSM, telemodem or cable
  • Logging of analog signals, digital signals and alarms
  • Level sensing by 4-20 mA sensor of float switches
  • Mixer and flush valve control
  • Advanced pump capacity and outflow calculation with alarm handling
  • Overflow measurement
  • DIN rail mounted

Data sheets

Installation manuals


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