Thetys Pumps SRL
Tel: +40 744 595 445
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1,
011273 Bucuresti, Romania

Because life is fluid.


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MPP-OHH single stage multiphase pump – Thetys Pumps
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MPP-OHH single stage multiphase pump

Thetys Pumps / Products  / Pumps  / Single stage centrifugal pumps  / API 610 and ISO 13709 pumps / MPP-OHH single stage multiphase pump

MPP-OHH single stage multiphase pump

Unique design for multiphase process applications

The MPP OHH is our API 610 (ISO 13709) type OH2 overhung, horizontal, centerline mounted, single stage, radially split pump combined with a helico-axial hydraulic. It is used as a circulation pump in HPI / Petrochemical applications where some free gas may be present in the process.

Main benefits
  • Helicoaxial impeller designed for any Gas Volume Fraction from 0 to 100%
  • Helicoaxial easily handles robust to solid particles (specific coating can be applied depending on the process)
  • Standard bearing frame the OHH bearing range designed for long bearing life
  • API 682 cartridge seal type, single or dual mechanical seals
  • Bespoke seal plans depending on the application
Main applications
  • Shell Omega process (Monoethylene Glycol process plant)
  • Petrochemical processes near liquid-vapor saturation line
  • Circulation pumps in fermentation process
  • Circulation pumps for DAF waste water applications (Dissolved Air Filtration)
Main design features
  • Helico axial impeller / diffuser specially designed for 2 phase flow application
  • 7 different specific speeds available
  • 3 different bearing frame size available
  • 300# flange rating standard – 600# flange optional
  • Heavy duty baseplate with 2 times ISO 13709 (API610) nozzle option
Key characteristics
Capacities Up to 1000 m3/h / 4400 US gpm
Heads Up to 7 bar dp / 100 psi dp
Pressures Up to 51 bar / 740 psi
Power Up to 400 kW
Maximum speed of rotation Up to 3600 rpm

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