Thetys Pumps SRL
Tel: +40 744 595 445
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1,
011273 Bucuresti, Romania

Because life is fluid.


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Cantilever sump pump type Ensival Moret VSF – Thetys Pumps
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Cantilever sump pump type Ensival Moret VSF

Thetys Pumps / Products  / Pumps  / Vertical pumps  / Vertical sump pumps / Cantilever sump pump type Ensival Moret VSF

Cantilever sump pump type Ensival Moret VSF

Designed for molten sulfur applications

The VSF vertical pump range has been specifically designed to handle molten sulfur applications. Its engineered design ensures high corrosion resistant and longer service lifetime.

Main benefits
  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Specifically designed for molten sulfur applications
  • High-quality materials, highly reliable and efficient design ensure longer mean time between maintenance and minimized total cost of ownership
Main applications

The VSF pump range is perfectly suitable for the following applications:

  • clean or dirty molten sulfur
  • constant temperature applications in various industries
Main design features
  • Open or vortex impellers
  • No sealing required
  • No intermediate bearing
  • Steam jacket column and discharge pipe to maintain optimal required temperature
  • Extended length design available
  • Reliable worldwide proven design
Key characteristics
Capacities up to 300 m3/h / 1’300 USgpm
Heads 160 m / 500 ft.
Pressures up to 20 bar / 290 psi
Temperatures up to 180°C / 350°F
Higher capacities and heads available upon request.
Performance range
Process Pump Type Ensival Moret EMTECH Performance Range
Cantilever sump pump type Ensival Moret VSF is especially designed for molten sulfur applications

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